In the field of research, the institute's scientific and professional field is process engineering - mainly mechanical process engineering, but also biological and thermal process engineering, and partly reaction engineering - raw material preparation, where in addition to the preparation of primary raw materials of mineral origin, the preparation of secondary raw materials: waste and residues, is an important field, and environmental process engineering, i.e. the cleaning and purification of air, water and soil. This entire field is taught and cultivated by the Institute of Raw Material Preparation and Environmental Technology of the University of Miskolc, the only university teaching and research centre in Hungary. The Institute and its predecessor departments have been in operation for 100 years.
The institute is the lead institute for each of the bachelor, master, specialisation and doctoral courses, and has a significant teaching activity in other disciplines, including in English. The training structure is basically divided into two tracks: raw materials preparation and environmental process and waste preparation. Accordingly, the Institute is the specialisation leader for the specialisations Raw Materials Preparation Engineering in the Bachelor of Engineering Geosciences and Waste Management/Environmental Engineering in the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering. In the Master of Environmental Engineering, the head of the specialisation in Waste Management and the head of the specialisation in Raw Materials Process Engineering. Within the framework of the Samuel Mikoviny Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, training is provided in four main subject areas: mechanical process engineering, raw materials and waste preparation, environmental process engineering and environmental geotechnics.
Professional and educational links
The Institute has close links with the following companies and educational organisations
Omya Hungária Mészkőfeldolgozó Kft., MOHU MOL Hullgazdálkodási Zrt., Perlit-92 Bányászati és Feldolgozó Kft., Vertikál Nonprofit Zrt., ALCUFER Ipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft., Inter-Metal Recycling Kft., 3B HUNGARIA Ipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft., Profikomp Környezettechnika Zrt., Dunántúli Regionális Vízmű Zrt., Montanuniversität Leoben, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.